Asio Driver Ableton Mac
This article explains how to install the ASIO driver for your KOMPLETE AUDIO 1 / 2 / 6 MK2 audio interface on Windows 10 systems. Note: the KOMPLETE AUDIO 1 / 2 / 6 MK2 are 'class-compliant' on Mac computers. It is not necessary to install a driver on these systems. Disconnect the KOMPLETE AUDIO device from your computer. USB Audio ASIO driver, connects USB Audio interfaces to ASIO compatible applications at latencies down to 7ms where you can't feel the delay any longer. USB Audio ASIO driver for Mac. XR18 and X-USB ASIO Driver 4.11. Hi, on the XR18 download page there are the new ASIO Driver 4.11 X-USB drivers but they do not work with XR18.
- Asio Driver Ableton Machine
- Asio Driver Ableton
- Asio For Mac
- Ableton Mac Download
- Asio Driver Ableton Mac Free
The M-Audio M-Track MKII is a powerful 2 channel interface that gives you access to instant plug & play recording on your computer. This guide walks through how to make sure that your M-Track MKII is set up properly on your system as well as how to get started recording audio tracks with the included Ableton Live Lite software.
If using the MME/DirectX driver, you can select two different devices for input and output. However if using the ASIO driver, it's only possible to select one device as both input and output in Live's preferences. It is possible however to combine interfaces using ASIO4ALL. Check this third party video tutorial for instructions. Firstly, download and install the latest driver for your audio interface (if available). On Mac this is a Core Audio driver, on Windows there are various driver types available but ASIO is the best option. Windows users also have the option to install Asio4All which is a freeware universal audio driver.
Connecting the M-Track MKII and Confirming the Driver Installation
Connect the M-Track MKII to your computer via USB. The M-Track MKII is a class compliant device, which means it requires no download or installation of special drivers that are not already found on your computer. On a Windows PC, a dialog will open in the bottom right hand corner of your screen indicating that the driver is automatically installing. When it is done it will indicate that your device is installed and ready to use. You will not see this on a Mac, however the drivers are still installed automatically.

Although the M-Track MKII is a class-compliant device, there are is a low-latency driver available for Windows that may improve the performance of the unit. The driver is available for download from the Drivers & Updates page on the M-Audio webiste.
- M-Audio - Drivers & Updates
Properly Adjusting your System's Sound Settings
The M-Track MKII should now be ready to use on your computer, but in some cases it may be necessary to tweak your system's sound settings. While this will more than likely not be required, it is a good idea to familiarize yourself with how the device is setup with your PC or Mac.
- On a PC, click on the Start Menu, and choose Control Panel. From the Control Panel, choose Hardware and Sound and/or Sound. You should now see your playback devices.
As pictured above, the M-Track MKII should be set as your default playback device. If not, right click it and choose Set as Default Device. This should be reflected under the Recording tab as well.
- With the M-Track MKII highlighted in the recording devices tab, click on the Properties button. This will bring up a new set of options. Click the Levels tab. In Windows 7 you will need to adjust the recording level. It will default to 100 but you will need to drag the slider down until it is set at 4. You will not have to make this adjustment in Windows Vista.
Click OK and you should be all set.
Asio Driver Ableton Machine
Teamviewer not controlling mac. On a Mac you can access your sound settings from the System Preferences. You should not have to change any settings. Your input and output should look as pictured below.
Asio Driver Ableton
Getting Started With Ableton Live Lite by Recording an Audio Track
Open up Ableton Live Lite. If you need help installing or authorizing your software, please refer to Ableton's handy guide.
- Once Ableton is open go to Options > Preferences. On a Mac this will be Live > Preferences.
- In the Preferences window, click on the Audio tab. For the Driver Type, select MME/Direct X and then the M-Track MKII as your Audio Input and Audio Output devices. On a Mac you will choose CoreAudio instead of MME/Direct X.
Alternatively, if you have chosen to use the additional M-Track ASIO driver for windows, select ASIO for Driver Type and select M-Track ASIO as your Audio Device.
You can now exit out of this window. - Go to View and select In/Out. This will bring up the input and output options of any audio tracks you've created.
- On your audio track, set your Audio From to Ext. In and set the input to be either input 1, 2, or 1 & 2 (if you have a stereo signal plugged into both inputs of the M-Track II). Clicking on the Record Ready button will arm the track and enable you to monitor your incoming audio.
- At the top of the screen, pressing Record and then Play will begin your recording!
? - When you're finished you can press stop to end the recording.
Further Technical Support
Whether you are a customer or dealer, if you already own an M-Audio product, or if you just have pre-sales questions, the M-Audio technical support team is available to help!
Asio For Mac
Visit the link below to connect with any of the following support options: online community support, phone support, email support.
The M-Audio M-Track and M-Track Plus interfaces add a professional edge to your mobile or project studio. M-Audio has made it easy to use the M-Track and M-Track Plus by making them class-compliant, meaning that they are plug-and-play devices. However, M-Audio created an alternate ASIO driver for lower latency and added support. This guide walks through the installation and basic setup of the M-Audio low-latency driver.
Driver Download and Installation
- Download the correct driver for your Windows operating system from one of the following links.
- M-Track Plus
- M-Track Plus
- Once you click on one of the above links, you will be brought to the M-Audio M-Track or M-Track Plus Driver and Software Search page. Choose the operating system specific to your computer in the third choice box.
Then click on the link that appears in the Results window to be brought to the download page. - Scroll down to the highlighted section and click on the M-Track Series zip file driver download to begin the download. We recommend downloading to your Desktop for ease of locating the file when the download completes.
- Once you have downloaded the correct driver to your computer, locate the downloaded zip file and unzip it. This is typically done by right-clicking and choosing Extract, Extract Files, Extract Here.., etc. If you are unfamiliar with how to unzip a file, please see this video.
- You will see three files created when the driver download file is unzipped. Double-click the file titled Install M-Audio M-Track Series Windows 1.x.x.exe to begin the driver installation.
- A window may appear that references Microsoft Visual C++. This is normal. Do not press cancel. Allow the installation to continue.
- In the Setup window that opens, follow the installation steps suggested. Press Next.
- Review and then choose I accept the terms in the License Agreement, and press Next.
- In the following window, press Install.
- Allow the installation to complete.
You may get a Windows Security box that pops up. If so, choose Always trust software from 'inMusic Brands, Inc.' and press Install. - When the installation completes, choose Finish in the window that appears.
? - Finally, in your Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) of choice, you can now choose the low-latency M-Audio ASIO driver which will show up in your DAW as M-Track Quad ASIO Driver.
Additional Guides and Resources
Ableton Mac Download
Below you will find a number of links to more in-depth DAW-specific guides to assist with your personal setup.
Further Product Support
Whether you are a customer or dealer, if you already own an M-Audio product, or if you just have pre-sales questions, the M-Audio technical support team is available to help!
Asio Driver Ableton Mac Free
Visit the link below to connect with any of the following support options: online community support, phone support, email support.