Rane Serato Dj Scratch Live Timecode Control Vinyl

Rane Serato Dj Scratch Live Timecode Control Vinyl Average ratng: 8,8/10 8592 votes

The original and unrivaled vinyl emulation software for professional DJs.

Scratch Live is vinyl emulation software that operates exclusively with Rane hardware.

Serato Vinyl Setup


Pcdj dex pro dj software download. Mix and scratch digital music on your computer with Serato Control Vinyl or Control CDs.

Wrapped Serato DJ control vinyl record. Rated 2 out of 5 stars. Submitted 4 months ago. From Huntsville, AL. I purchased 2 Serato Scratch Live. Leave QUANTITY at (1) to order a PAIR (2x) control vinyls. 2 designs (ZIPPED FILE) MAY be submitted, 1 for each control vinyl. If only submitting a logo, print will work best with an images 1200 to 3000 pixels (W or H). Bags & Cases. Bags & Cases.

  1. Rane - Rane: Serato Scratch Live Control Vinyl 2.5 - Black - Amazon.com Music.
  2. Dark purple Serato Scratch timecode control vinyl. The 12' vinyl record has the Serato NoiseMap Control Tone which allows Serato DJ or Scratch Live to track the motion of the record, simulating the same movement with digital audio. Since vinyl wears out with use, it is smart to have a couple spare records with you before any show.
  3. Rane Serato DJ Scratch Live Time Code Control Vinyl V 2.5 Pair - Black The 12' vinyl record has the Serato NoiseMap™ Control Tone which allows Serato DJ.
  4. Feb 12, 2018 The Rane Sixty-One is a premium-grade Serato Scratch Live (SSL) two-channel DJ mixer that comes with everything a DJ needs to convert their Vinyl or CD decks into virtual timecode decks that can.

We've been hard at work making Serato DJ Pro the best DJ software on the planet. The Scratch Live workflow has been maintained with increased stability and brand new features to refine your performance.

The free upgrade is for Serato DJ Pro Enabled hardware only and is not transferable to Serato DJ Pro Upgrade Ready hardware.

Still need Serato Scratch Live?


Rane Serato Dj Scratch Live Timecode Control Vinyl Installation


Serato Control Vinyl Limited Edition
