Deckadance 2.43 Serial

Deckadance 2.43 Serial Average ratng: 5,7/10 7203 votes
Deckadance is a very good application to mix music as a professional DJ that can run as standalone or as VSTi plugin.
You can control Deckadance with the mouse, keyboard, midi controller, vinyl board or CD system. No matter your choice, the precission and accuracy of the program will surprise you.
The interface of the program is not suitable for novices as it's thought to be used by DJs or people who want to go further in the DJ experience.
Deckadance is the perfect application for your DJ sessions, although to get the most out of this excellent program you'll have to get used to it.

The number of effects is very huge as you can check in theofficial site.

Aug 06, 2015  The Darkness 2 Limited Edition game Keygen and Serial Codes Keygen for The Darkness 2 Limited Edition. Jun 10, 2017  Here you can donwload the installation files for older versions of Deckadance (Windows & Mac). Just click in the Win/Mac link in the below list for the version that you want to download. DD 1.55 Win - Mac DD 1.63 Win - Mac DD 1.72 Win - Mac DD 1.80 Win - Mac DD 1.92 Win - Mac DD 1.93 Win. Deckadance is a fully featured DJ mixing application in which creative DJ performance is the key design philosophy. Deckadance can be controlled using most (if not all) existing MIDI controllers and time-coded vinyl and CD systems. It works either as a standalone program or as a VSTi plugin inside a VST host. Full download deckadance crack from search results.deckadance crack hosted on extabit, rapidgator, rapidshare, lumfile, netload, uploaded and torrent with keygen, crack and serial.

Hi guys, is there a dashboard which can be used like the numark for Behringer cmd series to go along with this fab dj software as numarks dont go with rekordbox so.


Trial version inserts 5 seconds of silence each 3 minutes of music.


Configure Deckadance to show 2/4 deck mode (vertical or horizontal) from the layout drop down menu above the main interface. In 2/4 vertical deck mode the number of smart panels either side of the decks is configurable from 0 to 4 via the Preferences > Layout > Smart panels left and right options.

  • Mixing - Decks A/B, C/D, A/D and B/C can be mixed using the horizontal cross-fader. To mix decks A/C and B/D use the vertical faders.
  • Track Window - This contains a Waveform Display that magnifies a portion of the track, complete with beat/cue markers, and a lower 'Track Overview' window that displays the entire song. Click to jump to the desired location. Either side of the Waveform display are configurable, both in type and number, smart panels that control advanced playback functions, cueing and mixing.
    • Play - Left-click to start the song playing. Right-click to start in sync with the other deck. Note: When Automix is selected the Play button for the active deck is disabled.
    • Load - Right-click a file in the browser and select the deck to send it to. You can also drag and drop files from the browser to any deck (not playing) or from the operating system's file explorer.
    • MASTER - Sets the tempo as the Master tempo.
    • SYNC - Syncs the beat to the other Deck. Left-click is momentary, right-click is a locking switch. Note: The Tempo slider will be de-activated in SYNC mode.
    • Headphone monitoring - Monitor the selected deck through the headphone buss. This routing is selected in the Toolbar, Audio setup.

Track Display

  • Key - Detected key of the track.
  • Key Shift - Semitones up/down from the key track.
  • Artist, Title & Album - Displays track information (if stored in MP3 meta data).
  • Time - Time remaining (default). Click to select elapsed time.
  • Tempo - Detected tempo of the track.
  • Pitch % - The difference in BPM between the detected BPM and Master Tempo (plus or minus). Change with the Tempo smart panel.
  • Play head - The vertical line at the middle of the Waveform window represents the play-head/stylus position.

Track Display Colors

Ctrl+C will activate/deactivate the spectral analysis and display mode.

The beat analysis also includes frequency content, showing the most prominent frequencies in the mix. Red are low frequencies (bass, drums etc), yellow through to green are mid frequencies (often associated with vocals), while the blue shades are high frequencies (cymbals, hats etc). With some practice, these colors will help you to identify breaks, vocals, bass, drums and other common sounds in your tracks.

Lower controls

  • Play - Start/Stop playback.
  • Track overview - Click anywhere along here to jump to that point in the track. Flashes red when the track is close to ending.
  • MASTER - Sets this track to provide master BPM for all decks.
  • SYNC - Left click momentary sync with the master deck. Right-click locked sync with the master deck.

Smart Utility Panels

Smart panels can be configured to show to the left, right or both sides of the decks. Select 0 to 4 from the integrated menu as shown below OR from Preferences > Layout > Number of left/right deck smart panels for a maximum of 8 panels per deck.

Deckadance Cracked

NOTE: Most panel types can only be inserted one instance per deck.


Loop regions display as a Loop start and Loop end marker with a shaded tapering region between them to help you to know when the end of the loop is near at longer loop-lengths.

Controls from top to bottom are:

  • Jump length - Works with the Jump buttons below the control. Set jump size from 1/32 to 16 beats.
  • Jump direction - Backwards/Forwards. When clicked the song will immediately jump forward or backward the distance set in the Jump Length window. This control is not snapped to beats.
  • Loop length - Select from 1/32 to 16 beats. When snap is selected from the Tool Bar loops will sync to the nearest beat.
  • Loop modifiers (1/2, 2x) - The modifier buttons can be used to halve and double the current loop length for live special effects.
  • LEAP (after loop) - Loops a section of the track until release when the track will resume from the point it would have reached if looping had not occurred. Keep an eye on the playback marker in the Track Window and you will notice the leap position is shown as a dashed line moving forward while the LEAP loop plays. When snap is selected from the Tool Bar loops will sync to the nearest beat.
  • LOOP (Loop and continue) - Loops a section of the track until release when it will resume playback from the end of the loop. When snap is selected from the Tool Bar loops will sync to the nearest beat.


Up to 8 cue markers can be placed anywhere on the track so that playback can be started, restarted from or jumped to the cue points.

  • X (clear) - Click X then click the cue point to be cleared.
  • 1 to 8 cue markers - Cue points are position markers and they can be used to set a start position or to jump to that point on the fly. Typical creative examples are re-triggering the start of a bar or rearranging the playback order of bars.
    • To set a cue point - Position the Play Head marker over the point in the track to be cued, or wait for it to be reached on the fly, and click an empty cue button, 1 to 8. The Snap setting will determine if cue points are always be placed on the nearest grid line (ON) or exactly where the play head was when the cue was added (OFF).
    • Using cue points - If the track is stopped Deckadance will move to the selected cue point ready to play. If the track is playing Deckadance will jump to the cue point and play onward from that point. The Snap setting determines if the cue jump is immediate (OFF) or delayed to be in sync with the next grid line (ON).
  • CUE - When pressed the track will jump to the last pressed cue marker and stop. If the track is stopped and cue is held, then the track will play from the nearest cue point until released.


Many of the tempo sync and loop functions rely on tempo/beat-detection and analysis. Once this is completed the track is aligned with a grid that shows bar and beat markers (vertical lines). The grid control panel is used to refine or change the grid to track relationship if the default automatic setting does not work as expected.

  • TAP - Tap the button in time with the song to set the tempo.
  • Tempo display - Click to enter the tempo manually.
  • 1/2 & x2 - Halves or Doubles the detected tempo (as selected).
  • A-GRID - Auto beatgrid. The Beatgrid is used to sync all tempo sensitive functions (sampler loops, beat-mixing etc) to the song's tempo:
    • Auto ON (button white) - Deckadance will set the Beat marks automatically.
    • Auto OFF (button grey) - Manual beat-grid settings is possible. Hold Shift+Click anywhere on the waveform and drag OR click on the nudge buttons below the A-GRID button.
  • << & >> - Nudge the beat-markers forward or backward as selected.
  • Rescan - Forces a rescan of the beat and frequency analysis.
  • 1 - Set the nearest market to the play-head as the downbeat. The downbeat is the first beat of the bar. The downbeat setting is critically important when automatic beat-synchronization with other decks, samplers, VST MIDI players is required.


Deckadance DVS Edition provides DVS (or Digital Vinyl System) allows you use a CD or Vinyl audio source playing specialized time-coded audio tracks as a transport control signal for Deckadance. DVS players allow you to scratch and perform other live 'DJ' turntable style effects as you would from a traditional audio vinyl recording. When DVS is selected Deckadance listens to the audio signal from the DVS source and mirrors changes in speed & direction to the deck under DVS control.

There are additional DVS settings (level, lead in & rumble filters etc) on the Timecode Preferences.

  • Input selector - Choose an audio input from your audio interface (mixer/soundcard) as set on the Audio options panel.
  • Absolute tracking mode - Position in the Deckadance track is related to position of the needle on the vinyl control track.
  • Relative tracking mode - Only speed and play direction are used by Deckadance.
  • Internal tracking mode - Internal and MIDI control.

Supported DVS formats

Deckadance will work with virtually any DVS source using the 'Preferences > Timecode> Learn timecode' function. The following sources have been pre-configured:

  • Deckadance Control CD (our own high-resolution CDJ timecode).
  • Ms Pinky Gen 1, 2, 3 & 4.
  • Torq Vinyl & CD
  • Reflex Vinyl
  • Generic Vinyl (used with the timecode learn function)

NOTES: With the learn option, not only can you use any audio-based control source, Deckadance can learn any steady-state audio signal to control the decks. For example, set Deckadance to learn while you hum into a mic. Experiment and be free! You can also perform tempo-perfect scratching effects with Gross Beat.


This panel let you use key shift slider and key sync to create smooth transitions between tracks (harmonic mixing).

  • Key Shift slider - Changes track key +/- 12 semitones. Double-click the slider to reset to default. A +/- value will appear in the track display to show how many semitones up/down the key has been shifted.
  • Key Sync (note icon) - Use key sync button to find a compatible key that is closest to the master deck key (using circle of fifths).
  • LOCK - Enable key LOCK to change the playback speed of the song without changing the pitch (equivalent to 'Master Tempo' button in CDJ players). If it's enabled you can use key slider to change track key.


The panel holds two Smart Knobs. Smart Knobs can be linked to a wide range of interface parameters. This allows you to create complex interactions between the movement of a single knob or slider on your controller and any number of control targets in Deckadance. There are a number of presets, click the (+) under the knob, worth exploring. Each smart knob has the following controls:

  • The knob - Turn to articulate the linked controls.
  • Presets (+) - Beneath the knob, choose from Basic, FX & Mix, Macro and User files.
  • Activate - The switch enables or disables the Smart Knob.
  • Edit (pencil) - Opens the Smart Knob editor:

Smart Knob Editor

The editor allows you to assign and adjust the relationship between the knob input (horizontal axis) and control output (vertical axis). That is, any of the selected targets will be fed a control input according to the input/output relationship set by the user-editable graph. An unlimited number of control points and curves may be added. Where control targets are switches you can experiment to find the vertical position that activates/deactivates the switch or steps through settings.

Using the editor:

  • Add a new Control Point - Position your cursor over the line, or envelope background, and right-click.
  • Reposition a Control Point - Left-click and drag control points.
  • Delete a Control Point - Right-click a control point and select Delete
  • Change a Segment Type - Right-click a control point and select a curve type (the selection applies to the preceding segment).
  • Change Segment curve - Click on the tension handle and move your mouse up/down. Right-click the handle to reset to a straight line.
  • Activate target - Clicking the switch icon will activate or deactivate the control relationship. When deactivated no control is exerted by the Smart Knob on the target parameter.
  • Show line - Clicking the eye icon will show the control line on the graph. This is useful for hiding (but not deactivating) other control lines when editing busy with control envelopes.
  • IMPORT/EXPORT - Load and save smart knob presets.

Editor Menu:

  • Open/Save State File (FL Studio) - Open and save envelope files compatible with FL Studio.
  • Copy/Paste State File - Copy and paste editor envelopes between editors or between Time and Volume sections.
  • Flip vertically - Invert the vertical position of all points.
  • Snap X/Y - Points snap (move) to the grid. Useful when you need to have beat/sub-beat accurate positioning.
  • Sliding point move - For horizontal movement, slides all the points after the moved point while maintaining their relative positions.

Deckadance Software

NOTE: Smart knobs can also be used to adjust input/output relationships for basic MIDI links. For example, reducing or increasing the sensitivity of a MIDI controller knob by mapping the appropriate graph relationship.


Deckadance 2.43 Serial Online

Adjust the speed/BPM/pitch of the track. Double-click to reset to the default position. The range can be adjusted on the Global Settings page between +/- 2% and 50%.

  • Pitch Slider - Move the slider to change the speed of the song (down is faster and up slower). NOTE: Hold down the [CTRL] key while moving the pitch fader to get a finer resolution of 0.01%.
  • < > (Nudge arrows) - Speed or slow the deck slightly while held. Used to nudge one deck onto the beat relative to another.


EQ controls replicated from the Function Panel.

  • HIGH/MID/LOW (EQ) - Cut or boosts the frequencies as indicated. Note,the Preferences > Global Settings > Bass X-fade option also crossfades the bass frequencies between decks.


Gain & Filter controls replicated from the Function Panel.

  • GAIN - Deck volume trim.
  • FILTER (Low/High pass) - Turn left (of 12 O'Clock) to Low pass and right to High pass. The extreme filter settings have been carefully selected so that you don't accidentally


Volume control replicated from the Function Panel.

  • Volume - Deck volume level.


Mix and frequency isolator replicated from the Control Panel FX.

  • Effect mix - Sets the balance between the wet (effected) and dry (original) sound. Double-click to reset to the default is 50% mix.
  • HIGH/MID/LOW (Isolator) - Effect isolator switches. When selected those frequencies are sent to the effect. In many cases bypassing the LOW will maintain more clarity and punch in the kick/bass frequencies of the performance. Isolating the MID and or HIGH frequencies in phaser and flanger effects will make the effect stand out.

FX 1, 2 & 3

FX slot 1, 2 or 3 replicated from the Control Panel FX.

Effects include: Delay, Flanger, Phaser, LowPass, HighPass, Auto pan, Trans, BitCrusher, Distortion and Reverb. See the Function Panel FX for details.


Gross Beat FX replicated from the first 4 Gross Beat slots. There are 8 Gross Beat FX slots per deck in total. /akm-320-setup-mac-ableton.html.

  • Gross Beat 1 - Slots 1 and 2
  • Gross Beat 2 - Slots 3 and 4


This smart panel has been disabled (set to OFF).