Mac Mini Ableton Reddit

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Jan 10, 2020  Home The Forums Music Computers DAW Talk Ableton Live Mac Mini 2018 with Ableton Live 10 Gearslutz is part-supported by our visitors. When you buy products through links across our site, we may earn an affiliate commission. I've got the 6 core 2018 mac mini, using it for heavy music production in Ableton and working like a charm so far! Though heads up I have a thunderbolt interface and I've heard some people with USB interfaces having trouble with the new macs.

25th October 2019
Here for the gear

Need some advice please people..using windows 10 with ableton ? Pros and cons ? Looking at the i5 Mac mini but there's a sale on with Alienware and some decent savings to be had..specifically looking at the Alienware aurora r9 against the i5 Mac mini. Will also need to buy a pcie for the r9 and it looks hit and miss if the MOTU express 128 midi interface will work ok with windows.. I can get around this for the foreseeable future as I only need 4 midi in and out and use the rest on usb so can switch out the MOTU and claw a bit of money back. It's a leap of faith to move from Mac to a Windows PC but I like the idea of being able to keep upgrading my hardware along the way. I'm hearing good and bad things about MOTU on windows 10 ? Any advice ? Any other things I should be wary of in making the switch ? Yes it's a subject that's been done over and over and I've searched stuff already but it's the new hardware that is making my head spin. Is migrating to windows that big a deal these days really ?

Ableton 10 Mac

Hi all,
I'm thinking about buying a Mac Mini as a dedicated music computer and wondering which one to get... Maybe second-hand with good enough specs should be fine (and save a lot of money).

Currently I'm using a MacBook Pro 15' 2.2 GHz Intel Core 2 Duo with 4GB RAM and a 500GB 7200rpm HD, running OS X 10.8.5. Soundcard is first gen MOTU Ultralite (FW 400 connector). Using Live 8 and Logic Pro X and heaviest plug-ins are probably Reaktor ensembles. The laptop copes ok with that all, but a bit faster would of course be better, but don't think I need the absolutely latest and greatest, fastest machine out there...
But... if going for new, then quite fancy the €629 2.5GHz Dual Core i5 Mac Mini:
- Firewire 800 port to MOTU's 400 port is ok?

Mac Mini Ableton Reddit 2017

- HD is 5400rpm, but tbh I noticed the extra noise more than the extra speed when I upgraded my laptop from 5400 to 7200...
- I assume the Mac Mini is going to run as quiet as a church mouse, right?
- Any other weird stuff I should be wary of?

Mac Mini Ableton Reddit Pc

Ableton Mac Torrent

Any Mac Mini-experienced musicians out there?