Ableton Push 2 Showing Screen Traktor Mac
Live Versions: Live 9.5 and later Operating System: Windows 7, 8 and 10 Reinstalling the Push 2 Display Driver If Push 2 does not. Step 4: Check whether Push 2 is recognised by your computer Click the Apple logo - About This Mac - System Report. Under Hardware, click on USB then unfold the USB Device Tree. Verify that Ableton Push 2 is displayed there. Setting up Push 2 (Mac) Live Versions: 9.5 and later; Operating System: MacOS 10.7 and later; Setting up Push 2; Firmware Update; Troubleshooting; Connect Push 2. Connect Push 2 directly to a USB port on your computer rather than through a hub. If you have to use a hub, it must be powered and you need to make sure to only use the hub´s original power connection.
- Ableton Push 2 Showing Screen Traktor Mac Free
- Traktor Pro
- Ableton Push 2 Showing Screen Traktor Machine
- Running Ableton And Traktor At The Same Time
on Mar 11, 2017 in DJ & Live Performance 0 comments
If you'd like to advance your DJ sets and improvise, one creative way to do this is by playing with Traktor and Ableton Live at the same time. To open up possibilities even further, Traktor and Ableton Live Link can be sync'ed together so that multiple DJs/producers can jam and add new elements to a DJ set. Using Traktor and Ableton Live together would be an exciting new avenue for DJs and producers who create their own music. Here's a guide for synching the two programs together.
Syncing Traktor with Ableton Live Link
The first step to linking the programs is to update both Traktor and Ableton Live. To update Traktor on a Mac navigate to the Applications folder and open the Service Centre. Click on the Update tab, check the box beside Traktor (you'll want to download at least Traktor 2.11, which features Ableton Link integration) and click Download. Once downloaded, click on the Install button to install the update, then restart the computer.
To use Ableton Live Link, update to the most current version of Live (currently Live 9.7.1). Live versions from 9.5 onwards will automatically update to version 9.7.1; alternatively Live 9.7.1 can be downloaded from a User Account on the Ableton website and updated manually.
In order to use Traktor and Ableton Live Link, you'll need to connect to a Wi-Fi or LAN network on the computer that's running Traktor. Native Instruments recommends connecting to the network using an Ethernet cable. If two or more computers are being used, connect the computers using a Thunderbolt cable.
Linking with Traktor
To join Link, simply press the LINK button in Traktor's header. To leave the LINK session, press the LINK button to return to using Traktor as a standalone program.
Syncing Traktor to the Link Timeline
Traktor and Link are synchronized by the Master Clock in Traktor. This section is displayed by clicking on the Metronome button on the left hand side in Traktor. The Master Clock in Traktor is the sync reference for each of the decks; pressing Sync (on a Deck) will synchronize the tempo to the Master Clock.
Traktor's Sync mode may need to be switched to BeatSync instead of Tempo Sync to match both programs' tempos to the Link timeline. To change this parameter in Traktor's Preferences, navigate to Traktor's Preferences, then click on Transport, Sync Mode and select BeatSync.
Tempo Sync mode can be used if you're an artist who manually adjusts the tempo of tracks, rather than using the Sync button. If a track's tempo goes out of sync, press the Sync button twice to synchronize them together.
Sync'ing and Downbeat Issues
Traktor will sometimes have challenges syncing tracks to the downbeat (the first beat of the bar) of another track. As tracks play, the Link button keeps track of four bars; new tracks that are brought into the mix should be released when the bar has reached its zero point (when the bar is empty on the far left hand side). On a similar note, once in a while the sync to Ableton Link may be out of phase from other Ableton Link computers that are connected in session. To solve this, open up Traktor's Preferences and navigate to the Controller Manager section, then click on Add In. Next, click Master Clock, then Ableton Link and finally select Reset Downbeat.
A Second Sync Method
In certain performances, it may be advantageous to sync Traktor and Ableton Live together and not use Ableton Live Link. A solo DJ/producer who wants to take advantage of the creative possibilities of using both programs may find that this is the best way to work. Sync'ing the two programs together without Link requires a bit more legwork, but the old fashioned way of sync'ing the program works too. Here's how to sync the two together.
Open Traktor, then open Traktor's Preferences and navigate to MIDI Clock Preferences.
Check the box to send MIDI clock. The Sending Offset should remain at 0 ms.
Next click on Audio Setup and set the Audio Device to the sound card that will be used. (eg. Audio 10, etc). While in the Preferences, check the Output Routing section to ensure this is set up correctly.
In the Global Settings, in the Global Section, check off the box next to Show Global Section to make Traktor display this section. The controls will need to be changed in the Master Clock Section, which can be accessed once the Global Section is visible.
Navigate to the Controller Manager section of the Preferences and in the Device Setup Section create a new MIDI Device by clicking “Add” and then “Generic MIDI”. Rename this device by clicking Edit, Edit comment and change to a name of your choice. (I've named mine Traktor Clock) Set the In-Port to None and the Out-Port to Traktor Virtual Output. The MIDI Device created will be able to send MIDI clock to Ableton. If you have a lot of other MIDI devices in Traktor, you may want to check through them quickly to be sure that none of them are using the same Out-Port.
Next open up Ableton Live, and open the Preferences. Open the MIDI Sync Tab, and in the Input section, next to the Traktor Virtual Output, click on Track, Sync and Remote. Close the Preferences.
In the upper left hand corner of Ableton, click on the EXT button. This is the external sync switch. When it's activated, Live will follow the sync source that has been selected in the MIDI/Sync Preferences.
Next, open Live's Preferences again and click on the Audio section. Set the Audio Output Device to your Soundcard (mine is set to the Audio 10). Click on the Output Configuration (Output Config) and make sure outputs 1 and 2 are turned on.
Master Clock Section
Next, send MIDI clock from Traktor to Ableton by clicking on the Master Clock Section in the top left hand corner (marked by a Metronome symbol) and click the Auto button on. This means that Traktor's Master Clock will sync to the Deck that is playing. In the Send section on the right, click the blue Play button to send MIDI clock from Traktor.
Check in with Ableton and ensure that the EXT button is still on. Back in Traktor, navigate to the Master Clock section and in the Send section click on the Sync button to sync Traktor's MIDI clock to Ableton.
Fine Tuning
Both MIDI clocks may need be fine tuned to make sure they are running perfectly in sync. In Traktor's Master Clock section, turn on the Tick button. Click the Cue button (with the headphone symbol on it) on so that the tick can be heard through your sound card.
In Ableton Live, turn on Ableton's metronome by clicking on Metronome icon. Open the Preferences and then the MIDI Sync tab.
Click on the arrow next to the Input: Traktor Virtual Input so that the MIDI Clock Sync Delay is visible. Adjust the MIDI Clock Sync Delay until the two clocks are running at the same speed. Good values to try may be around -16 or -17.
Test to find out if the two metronomes are playing in sync by playing a track in Traktor and a loop in Ableton. If you've done your setup correctly, these two programs should be precisely sync'ed together.
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Ableton Live and Native Instruments’ Traktor both offer different performance paradigms for the digital DJ. If you want the best of both worlds, it’s now possible to harness the power of Traktor and Live together in perfect sync, using a single laptop or on multiple machines.
In the video below, Sydney producer Swindail runs you through some of the setups and creative possibilities when using the two together, with the help of Traktor’s new native support of Ableton Link.
Linking Traktor & Live on the Same Computer
The most straight-forward Traktor and Live configuration is using just one computer or laptop. You can mix Traktor and Live together straight away in various configurations:
- Creating a loop with audio or a MIDI instrument in Live, and blending it in with a track on Traktor
- Playing a Traktor track and jamming over the top of it in Live (using a Push or any other controller)
- Running tempo-synced effects in perfect time, like delays or arpeggiators
The Setup
1. Make sure you have the most recent updates of both Live and Traktor (or at the very least, Live 9.6 and Traktor 2.11.0).
2. Navigate to the Link / MIDI tab in Live’s Preferences and make sure the Show Link Toggle button is enabled.

3. Click the Link box in both Traktor and Live. In Traktor, it’s located in the top bar to the left, and in Live it’s located in the very top left corner.
4. Both boxes should now display the words 1 Link. Lastly you’ll need to make sure your Traktor decks are in sync with the Link clock – click the Sync button on your chosen track deck.
You’re good to go! Hit play on both programs and they will be in perfect sync with each other. You can use the metronome in Live to find the downbeat (beat one of the bar).
Ableton Push 2 Showing Screen Traktor Mac Free
Multiple computers
It’s important to note that although you can do this all on one computer, you can actually do this across multiple machines as long as they are connected to the same local network or Wi-Fi connection. For example, have an instance of Live on one computer and use an instance of Traktor on the other one.
Running Live’s audio into Traktor
Now that you know some of the ways you can use Traktor and Live together, we can take this a step further and actually run the audio from Live into Traktor, or run the audio from Traktor into Live. With this setup you can:
- Run Ableton instruments and audio into Live Inputs on Traktor to control channel EQ, key, volume and gain
- Assign Traktor effects to Live audio
The Setup
Note: This setup requires an audio interface, and Jack OS X, which is available here.
1. Download and install Jack OS X, then open the JackPilot application.
2. In the Preferences, make sure your default audio interface is selected for both your Input and Output Device, and your Interface Input and Output channels are set to the maximum value. You can also play around with the Sample Rate and Buffer Size depending on your computer’s specifications.
3. Set the number of Virtual Input and Output Channels to whatever you’d like. For this example, I’ll use 8 of each (just two additional stereo pairs of ins and outs). Make sure the “Auto-Connect to physical ports” box is ticked too.
4. Click Save, then hit the Start button and wait for the Jack server to start.
5. Set the Audio Device to “JackRouter” in both Live and Traktor.
6. Go back to JackPilot and open the Routing tab. Here, in the Connections Manager, we’ll connect our additional virtual channel(s) we set up earlier: to make a connection, single click an out from Live’s Send Ports, and double click the corresponding in from Traktor’s Receive Ports. Here, we’ll connect 5 and 6 to complete the stereo pair.
7. We’ll send Live’s master audio to the channel we just connected – select 5/6 from Live’s Master Out dropdown. If it’s not available, make sure 5/6 (stereo) is enabled in Live’s Output Configuration (in the Audio tab from Live’s Preferences).
Traktor Pro
8. Now we want to receive Live’s master audio on a Live Input in Traktor – we’ll go into Traktor’s Preferences and open the Input Routing tab, where we can assign 5/6 to the channel (here I’ve chosen Input Deck C).
You’re done! Make sure the volume fader is up on Deck C and the gain is set accordingly. Play anything in Live and you should hear the audio coming through in Traktor.
Vice Versa: Running Traktor’s Audio Into Live
So you can send Live’s master audio to Traktor, but what if you wanted to go the other way and send Traktor’s audio to Live? Totally doable, and allows for:
- Running individual Traktor decks into separate audio tracks in Live
- Assigning Live effects to Traktor audio
- Multitrack recording the entire performance into Live
The Setup
Note: This setup requires an interface, and Jack OS X, which is available here.
Steps 1 to 5 are the exact same as the previous setup, please refer to the previous setup. Then:
6. Go to JackPilot and open the Routing tab. Here we’ll connect one stereo pair for both Traktor Deck A and Deck B, single clicking outs from Traktor’s Send Ports and double clicking the corresponding ins from Live’s Receive Ports. Here, we’ll connect the stereo pairs 5/6 and 7/8 (one for each deck).
7. Now let’s send the audio from Traktor’s Deck A and B through the channels we just connected. Go into Traktor’s Preferences and open the Output Routing tab. Set the Mixing Mode to External, assign 5/6 to Output Deck A and 7/8 to Output Deck B.
8. Let’s now receive this in dedicated audio tracks within Live – create two new audio tracks and name them Traktor Deck A and Traktor Deck B, then assign 5/6 and 7/8 respectively to the Audio From tabs as shown. If for some reason these aren’t available, make sure the channels are enabled in the Input Configuration in Live’s Preferences.
9. Lastly, make sure the Live audio tracks are record armed and monitoring so that we can hear the audio from the Traktor decks, like so. 
Ableton Push 2 Showing Screen Traktor Machine
To record arm both tracks, hold down Command (⌘) on Mac or Control on Windows while clicking the record arm buttons.
That’s it! You can now record and manipulate each Traktor deck individually within Live.
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Running Ableton And Traktor At The Same Time
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